Quito, is the capital of Republic. It is ubicated in the north of the country. San Francisco de Quito was fundated in December 6 in 1534 by Sebastian de Benalcazar.
Quito is a turistic city, and there are a lot of places to visist. The city is divided in three parts: the north, the center and the South.
The north of the city is called the modern Quito for its big buildings and avenues, there are some places that we could visit, the malls, the parks, the stadium, the teleferic and others.
The north of the city is called the modern Quito for its big buildings and avenues, there are some places that we could visit, the malls, the parks, the stadium, the teleferic and others.
The colonial city is the center historic with its churchs, colonial streets, monuments, museums and others; some turistic places are the catedral, the Compania church, El Panecillo, the big square and the Carondelet Palace.
Finally the South of Quito, this is more resindential place, and we could visit the mall el recreo, the lineal park of river Machangara and the Libertity Top.
Quito was declared the Cultural Patrimony of Humanity in 1978 for its enormous cultural riches, for that is called the face of God or Quito, Light of America.
Quito was declared the Cultural Patrimony of Humanity in 1978 for its enormous cultural riches, for that is called the face of God or Quito, Light of America.
Quito is to 8 hours of Cuenca approximadly...... you can go by car or by bus, and enjoy of the landscape in all the tour, you can see the mountains, snowies, rivers and evennesses. When you go by bus..... you can relax and enjoy the trip....the ticket costs ten dollars but when you go by car, is interesting to stop in some cities or towns and know them....... or go in plane but it is more expensive
Quito is beautiful...... I loved Quito.
Quito is beautiful...... I loved Quito.
The description of Quito is very interesting because it divides the city in its various party and explains that each one ......
I know Quito, and think it's very nice
good analysis....... :)
Hi Sily I like your description of Quito thank for all information about the capital. Its very important for all people that like to travel to diferents places. An exelente looks like to me an option to visit these vacations friend. To seeing that such sound the Chullas
Kisses and Hungs
I congratulate you very good description
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