Otavalo City Valley of the Dawn

The Canton Otavalo is a point between the Andes, to 110 Km in the north part of Quito and to 2.530 msnm In the heart of the province of Imbabura, Otavalo has the beautiful fabrics and of the world-famous indigenous market. They are most friendly. Otavalo is nice for his your nature his your culture and his people. We all must visit this city of captivation.
Otavalo has many touristic places with

It is a switched off volcano of 4.560 msnm and is one of the cultural modals of the local populations, since they are called it "Tayta Imbabura", for what several myths and legends have been created around itThis volcano appears in many guides of mountain; it is most recommended for the acclimatization and the practices before ascending to other mountains and snow-capped mountains of the Ecuador. In the native forests of the Imbabura they exist a biological very important diversity.

Located to the east of the Imbakucha, the hill Cusin is another important attraction. In the surroundings they live habit the Kichwa Cayambi distributed in several communities with Pijal, Gualaví, Angla, among others. In your skirts they are born a quantity of slopes that feed the Imbakucha; the principal one of all gives place to the Itambi, a river that in pre-Columbian epochs it was supplying of water for the ridges, a technology of culture, which vestiges yet exist up to the current importance and which has been an object of multiple archaeological investigations The remains of these ridges are close to Pijal's community and that owes your name precisely to that the original name of the ridges is pikal.
Located to 16 kilometres of Otavalo's city and to 3.714 msnm. Mojanda's lagoon is surrounded for pajonales and remnants of native forest that support a biodiversity representative of the high plateaus of the North Andean . Close to the lagoon big or known locally as Karikucha or lagoon macho who is a volcanic origin, there are other two small lagoons, the Warmikucha or lagoon female and the Yanakucha or black lagoon. For your location we recommend to visit to contemplate your placid and silent magestuosidad. Go I obtain a camera and clothes sheltered to offset the Andean cold.
Hill Fuya Fuya (4.263 msnm)
Lechero y Pucará the Queen Hill
Otavalo is nowadays one of the most important tourist destinations of the Ecuador. It is visited so much by national like extrangerous tourists attracted by his your great cultural rich in which peoples like the Kichwa Otavalo and White Half-caste support his your identity that is strengthened by his your myths, legends, customs and thousand-year-old traditions received in inheritance of his your ancestors.
Otavalo's Handcrafted fair, for your diversity of fabrics and embroideries it expresses the character and intercultural wealth of your indigenous and half-caste inhabitants. Fairs exist everywhere " BUT NONE EQUAL OR SIMILAR TO THAT OF OTAVALO ".
The major fair is realized every Saturday, but it continues every day. Actually the current Market is a space where the cultures conjugate.
Decorative tapestries Ponchoes Cloths The Strips The Woven Sacks woven Bracelets, embroideries, purses, carpets, saddle-bags and ridge-tiles. The Hats of Cloth Indigenous Necklaces Trinkets Exages Crafts of Madeira
The major fair is realized every Saturday, but it continues every day. Actually the current Market is a space where the cultures conjugate.
Decorative tapestries Ponchoes Cloths The Strips The Woven Sacks woven Bracelets, embroideries, purses, carpets, saddle-bags and ridge-tiles. The Hats of Cloth Indigenous Necklaces Trinkets Exages Crafts of Madeira

The most important festivity is the Yamor It is in the first day of september.
It is the drink prepared with 7 varieties of the corn, in honor of which it turns the festivity. The first days of September Otavalo it dresses of holiday in the celebration of the Yamor, occasion that gives place to cultural and ceremonial programmings that highlight the daily values of the region. The holiday is programmed by the Executive Committee of Holidays of the Yamor, and every event possesses the support and patronage of the diverse state and private entities.
Here the persons go out to the streets in a proclamation also a game is to cross swiming the lake of san pablo and the aborigens and half-caste they join in a great holiday. Many folclorick music
and more.

I went to Otavalol last summer. this is a beautiful city!! Know one of the ethnic groups of our country as are the indigenous Otavalo was a pleasant experience ... I liked the market of Otavalo and above all their weaves and handicrafts are working very well prepared .... Your article advertising is very interesting...Pao
I went to Otavalol last summer. this is a beautiful city!! Know one of the ethnic groups of our country as are the indigenous Otavalo was a pleasant experience ... I liked the market of Otavalo and above all their weaves and handicrafts are working very well prepared .... Your article advertising is very interesting...Pao
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