Sunday, April 6, 2008

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Venice is famous in the world by its channels, is constructed in an archipelago of 118 islands and around 150 channels. The few islands are you connect by about 400 bridges. Their channels compose a great framework as a streets that leave from the Great Channel, that is like a great avenue by where they run multitude of boats, great and small, being these last known gondo them.

Venice enjoys a legendary fame by its ample artistic patrimony and long file like reference of the European painting. The wealth of the powerful ones of the city (the Church, the politicians and certain retailers) allowed to maintain a prolonged sponsorship on painters, architects and other artists

The most popular celebration of Venice is the Carnival whose tradition possibly goes back to year 1800, is characterized because their participants use made masks to cover their faces, the masks have taken importance throughout the time, its great splendor and colorful they characterize this great carnival that is celebrated as of the month of February.

Venice takes interest places, like:

  • Place of San Marcos
  • Bridge of the Sighs
  • Ducal Palace
  • Grassi Palace
  • Basilica of San Marcos
  • Basilica of Santa Glorious Maria dei Frari
  • Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute
  • Basilica of San Giorgio Maggiore
  • Arsenal of Venice
  • Gallery of the Academy
  • Theater the Fenice
  • Great Channel
  • Among others